The Dosage

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spotlight Edition: Jessica Marie "The New Phenom on the Rise"


This exotic new comer by the name of Jessica Marie is definitely one to watchout for in 2010. She’s a new phenom coming out of the 2 star studio/Patrick Adams regimes. Jessica Marie is definitely a name we have to get familiar with. She is looking to make a name for herself in this industry; does she have what it takes? I'll let you be the judge.......

Hi, My name is Jessica and I currently live in Florida. My background is Mexican american and I am currently in Nursing school and plan to graduate soon! I am a professional who loves being in front of the camera to create beautiful images. I have a passion for music and would love to be featured in music videos along the way.  I consider myself very outgoing, funny and someone who gives 100% at everything.


    Hennywiz: How are you, Jessica?
    Jessica Marie: I can’t complain, with God on my side things are great!
    Hennywiz: Where are you originally from and what’s your ethnic background for starters?
    Jessica Marie: I’m originally from SW, FL born and raised and my Ethnicity is Mexican American.
    Hennywiz: What are your measurements?
    Jessica Marie: 34, 26, 36
    Hennywiz: What or who inspired you to begin a modeling career?
    Jessica Marie: Actually a friend of mine did a photo shoot and I just went to support her. And the photographer thought I had a unique look, so I did my first shoot and couldn’t believe the results!
    Hennywiz: I understand that you’ve been featured in HipHopWeekly, congrats!!  Are there any other publications you’ve been featured in?
    Jessica Marie: I’ve been on a few blog sites, but I am a model in the making and feel very confident that things will turn around soon.
    Hennywiz: In this forever evolving business, new faces emerge by the minute. What separates Jessica Marie from your peers?
    Jessica Marie: I’m my own person and act myself with a great personality; I also believe that I have a very unique look that separates me from other models. Although we are all special in our own way.
    Hennywiz: You’ve done some great work with 2starzstudios. Are there any other photographers you’ve work with to help create your beautiful photos?
    Jessica Marie: The one who introduced me to modeling would be a photographer from SW FL, he started taking pictures of me and that would be Keith Isaac. But I definitely have to give the biggest Shout out to Patrick Adams; (AKA 2starzstudios) he has been a blessing for me as far as managing my career and just going that extra mile to push me to the limit to make sure I do nothing but the best! Patrick’s an awesome individual, as well as a fantastic photographer.
    Hennywiz: Overall, what has been your opinion of the modeling industry?
    Jessica Marie: Well in my opinion it takes time to get where you actually want to be. And being patient and having a positive attitude is the key to success. We all are going to go down a bumpy road, but with faith in God, then things will eventually start to fall into place as long as you put in the extra work and dedication that it involves.
    Hennywiz: Since getting into the modeling industry; has it affected your personal life? Jessica Marie: Yes, it has affected it. But in a good way, I finally found something that I have more than a passion for and something that makes me feel good.
    Hennywiz: What are some of your long term goals as you continue to progress in your career?
    Jessica Marie: Like everyone else I have dreams; and as a long term goal I want to eventually pursue acting.
    Hennywiz: What has been some of the highlights of your career?
    Jessica Marie: I’ve learned a lot so far from some incredible people. My motto would be is you live and you learn.
    Hennywiz: What would you say you are most recognized for?
    Jessica Marie: I feel I have made a positive impact on some people’s lives so far, I love to give advice when needed and love to make a difference in one’s life.
    Hennywiz: What other interest do you have besides modeling?
    Jessica Marie: I actually am a Nurse, and currently plan to graduate with my Masters degree in Science.
    Hennywiz: What are some of your hobbies?
    Jessica Marie: OK, hard love to shop, hang out with friends when I can. And most important I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for my mom who has supported me in every way, so spending quality time with her means a lot to me.
    Hennywiz: I’m about to get in your business now, lol!! Are you dating anyone now, if so how does the lucky person feel about your career choice in modeling?
    Jessica Marie: Ha-ha…honestly I am currently single. I am really focusing on my career right now. But if that special someone swipes me off my feet than that’s a different story J
    Hennywiz: What qualities do you look for when choosing a significant other?
    Jessica Marie: Commitment, someone who can be there for me through the good and the bad. He has to have a great personality and sense of humor, oh one more thing he has to be handsome of course (winks).
    Hennywiz: I want to assume your preference is men or is it women too.
    Jessica Marie: Hmmm…well I definitely would have to say men! But nothing against liking woman too…whatever floats your boat.
    Hennywiz: Is being in a committed relationship important to you?
    Jessica Marie: Well when the time is right then yes it.
    Hennywiz: What advice do you have for someone that would like to approach you in public?
    Jessica Marie: Be yourself, we’re all equal here. I’m very open-minded so come at me.
    Hennywiz: What are some of the worst pick up lines you ever been hit with?
    Jessica Marie: “Hey there sexy” Do you want to be the sugar in my Ice-tea..Haha…(#Lame)
    Hennywiz: What turns you on the most?
    Jessica Marie: I don’t show and tell…that’s for behind closed doors J
    Hennywiz: What is an ultimate turn off for you?
    Jessica Marie: Negativity! And someone that smokes.
    Hennywiz: Do you consider yourself a casual romantic or a super freak?
    Jessica Marie: Well let’s just say I’m not your ordinary school girl…Lol..
    Hennywiz: What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?
    Jessica Marie: It’s already been full-filled…sex on a beach out of the country. Lol…
    Hennywiz: What part of your body are you most complimented on and what is your favorite asset(s) on you?
    Jessica Marie: My eyes, people say they can tell a lot about me by just staring at me, but most complimented part I would have to say would be my breasts. No complaints yet J
    Hennywiz: Give a description of a normal evening at home with you.
    Jessica Marie: Under the sheets watching a good movie. I’m not one that has to be out partying all the time.
    Hennywiz: How would you describe your fashion style?
    Jessica Marie: I’m very up to date with what’s in style, but there’s nothing wrong with jeans and a cute shirt sometimes.
    Hennywiz: What genre of music are you into?
    Jessica Marie: I love hip-hop and R&B.  My favorite song would be Alicia Keys “Unthinkable” I put that song on #Repeat
    Hennywiz: What is one thing about yourself that tends to shock people once they get to know you personally?
    Jessica Marie: That I actually can be funny and I’m not high maintenance . I love making people laugh.
    Hennywiz: What is your favorite drink?
    Jessica Marie: Moscato (Wine)
    Hennywiz: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Jessica Marie: Pizza
    Hennywiz: Name some things you couldn't live without?
    Jessica Marie: My cell phone, family and friends.
    Hennywiz: What can we expect from you in the near future?
    Jessica Marie: You can except to see me in some publications as well as acting roles. Only time will tell
    Hennywiz: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
    Jessica Marie: Doing big things
    Hennywiz: What advice do you have for inspiring models out there trying to break into the industry?
    Jessica Marie: Keep focused! Stay positive and things will work your way as long as you have an open mind.
    Hennywiz: I really appreciate you grating me this interview; anything you want say to your fans out there?
    Jessica Marie: Yes, I want to say thank you for all that support me! Without you guys it wouldn’t give me the inspiration to try and get where I want to be. Muah xoxo
    Jessica Marie appears courtesy of Patrick Adams of 2 Starzstudios


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